Friday Devotional – Leaders Worth Following

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Friday Devotional – Leaders Worth Following

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Friday Devotional
Leaders Worth Following
Photo by Jehyun Sung via Unsplash com

When I was growing up there was a TV show called “The Twilight Zone.” It was amazing how the writers could bend and twist the minds of the viewer with the story lines they produced. It was fun to see how it ultimately all turned out. Sometimes I feel that same bend and twist today when I listen to leaders in our country. One person says one thing, the other says the exact opposite, both sound convincing. It’s like there’s a parallel universe thing happening. They too are bending and twisting the minds of the viewer. It frustrates me and makes me want whoever is deceiving to be held accountable. Do you understand what I’m saying?

So, it’s on that note that I come to our devotions this week. We’ve been slowly walking through the Book of Psalms, and this week (Psalm 58) makes us look a little closer at leadership. What stood out to me is how King David confronts corrupt rulers/leaders. These rulers had caused enormous suffering, violence, and injustices (Vs 1-2) while they ruled. David compares these leaders as snakes because of the damage they inflict. With the venom they spew. The idea is that there are many great leaders, but there are also those who can be venomous.

This passage tells us what King David did to combat corrupt leaders. David asks God:

  1. To break them…to take their “Bite” away (Vs 6).
  2. To make their power vanish (vs 7).
  3. To dry up their impact (Vs 8).
  4. That they would be slow (Vs 8).
  5. But swept away quickly (Vs 9).

I love it that David goes to God, is honest with God, and expresses himself. God already knows what we’re going through. He can handle everything we throw at Him. By praying, we give it all to Him. The result, the Faith and assurance God will ultimately set things straight.

I also like it that David is praying not just to stick it to those folks, he wants justice so people will see that there is a God (Vs 11). He wants people to see the truth.

All the political stuff happening right now in the US, all those leaders who constantly cause suffering, violence, and injustices, I pray that they are held accountable, and that the truth will be made known.

May we all pray for strong and truthful leadership.
