Friday Devotional – Opposing Forces

Pizza Ranch Serves

Friday Devotional – Opposing Forces

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Friday Devotional
Photo by Zac Durant via Unsplash com

At our Pizza Ranch National Conference last week, I talked about the battles of life. That they are real, can be constant, relentless, energy draining, and life-altering. Since I gave that message, there have been a few questions about what “causes” those things to happen. I don’t know that answer…except from what I find in Scripture. In this case…from one verse (John 10:10).

John 10:10 gives us a glimpse of what Jesus saw as the TWO OPPOSING FORCES that we deal with in life:

"The thief who comes to steal, kill, and destroy.” Call it darkness, evil, sin, principalities of this world, or Satan….but it leads to a way of Death.

  • To steal our joy, time, and values.
  • To kill who we are, our reputation, and relationships.
  • To destroy human life, morals, and defenses.
  • The enemy was a murder from the beginning and has continued his mission to steal, kill, and destroy our dreams, passions, purpose, victory, and freedom

Then there’s Jesus…who brings true life. “I have come that they might have life.”A life that’s fulfilling and abundant

  • A life that’s satisfying.
  • A life that overflows.
  • Jesus gives us what we need as we go through the battles of life. He brings His people THROUGH the Red Sea…THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death. THROUGH anything we may encounter this side of heaven.

Unlike the thief who selfishly steals all he can. In Jesus we are nourished and refreshed. He speaks, guides, and directs us. He provides and cares for us. He brings meaning, joy, purpose, peace, and love…giving us abundant life.

Thanks be to God.
