Friday Devotional - Praying for Others

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

There’s seldom a day that goes by where at least one of us is not struggling with some sort of need or problem. We all struggle with life from time to time and are all in need of prayer. The great news is that we gain strength as believers by bringing it and handing it over to God. A true blessing that most people jump on. But there’s another way we gain strength, and that’s by having others pray for us.
What an honor to be asked to pray for someone. Throughout my life I’ve experienced strength and power by being prayed for. I’ve also experienced the strength and power of praying for many others. Here’s some things I’ve learned:
- We partner with God and His Kingdom work. For each person who requests prayer, God is already at work in their lives. In praying for them, help bring change, healing, reconciliation, renewal, and transformation in that persons life. We are never more like Jesus than when we pray for others.
- We connect with people in their time of need. Our hearts are joined when we pray for others. It lets them know that they’re not alone….they feel our love and compassion. No one forgets very easily those who stood with them during tough times.
- We share the burden. The weight on a person’s shoulders lifts when we pray with and for them. We share in their troubles and hopes; we feel their loss when we prayerfully stand by them. My own burdens also decrease when I pray for others.
- We share in the victories. Our faith deepens when we have front row seats to witness God’s power, grace, love and action. The power of God is revealed as we pray and recognize God’s work through it.
In prayer, our hearts recognize that every single person matters to God. It opens our eyes to the needs of people everywhere- their pain, addiction, hurt, illness and heavy hearts. May we be this kind of person.
Devotions adopted from The Power of Praying for Others by Pablo Diaz, on
Photo by Rosie Sun on Unsplash