Friday Devotional - Resolve 2.0

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Last week we talked about “Resolving” ourselves to make the Lord the main thing this year. To be in His Word, to pray, and to live out our Faith.
This week we’re going to add something to that resolution. Too many of us dwell too much in the chaos, issues, problems, sicknesses, struggles, etc. of life. We spend too much time thinking about it, feeding into it, and letting it drive our emotions. I don’t know if it’s because we feel like we deserve or need a problem-free life or what, but not having difficulties or challenges is a false hope. Even Jesus said that we’ll have troubles in John 16:33.
Instead of holding onto this idea of deserving, needing or expecting a perfect life, may we resolve to pouring our energy into seeking Him…The Perfect One.
It is possible to find JOY in the midst of the dark struggles of life. God’s light can actually shine the brightest when it’s darkest (Psalm 112:4, 7). May we each have that kind of trust.
This is the kind of trust that comes from being in the Word, praying, and living out our Faith.
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash