Friday Devotional - Sticky Love

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

In John 13:33-35 we find Jesus very concerned for His disciples. He knows they depend on Him and that His time with them on earth is coming to an end. He’s in the early stages of letting them know that things will be changing.
He brings up the topic of love. He’s brought it up before. To love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind…and to love our neighbors as ourselves. The love that He’s talking about is a sticky kind of love that can’t be shaken off. It’s love that is long-suffering and kind.
Jesus tells them to love others “as I have loved you.”
1) A selfless love- Jesus served others.
2) A sacrificial love- Jesus laid down His life.
3) An unconditional love- Jesus was let down by many.
We struggle to love like this. We often have too many conditions to our love. May we each recognize that, ask God daily for help, and then do all we can to love each other.
For those of us at Pizza Ranch, we have a Vision statement that says: “To glorify God by positively impacting the world.” The fastest way we can live this Vision out is to love others. Lord help us to do that well.