Friday Devotional- The Example of Daniel

Friday Devotional- The Example of Daniel

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Friday Devotional
Bible open to Daniel 2

Today is our final look at the story of Daniel, a summary of sorts. 

  • Daniel's story starts with him watching the destruction of everything he knows, and being carted off to another country to be a slave in the palace of his captor. (See Daniel 1)
  • Daniel resolves/commits to follow God’s Word no matter what.  To do right, to pray, to honor Him in all he does while he’s a captive. (See Daniel 1:8
  • He’s able to do this by knowing God personally, not just knowing about God.  Daniel knew God in an intimate way, talking to Him throughout the day (also praying three times a day “formally”).  He went to God for strength, advice, comfort, to confess and thank Him.  He did this all in real time, while he was living it and thinking about it. (See Daniel 6
  • The result was an unshakable faith through everything he encountered.  He was able to sustain and live out his commitments through a very difficult life with many trials and hard times.  He had faith that God was in control no matter what.  He was also gifted the ability to interpret dreams, see amazing visions, visit with angels, proclaim warnings, and see the future. (Many examples throughout the entire book of Daniel)
  • Though we may never have the same gifts as Daniel, God puts each of us here for a purpose, so may we also be strong during our time on earth until the time we’re taken home to heaven.  We will no doubt have our own “Lion’s den and fiery furnaces” like Daniel did.  Sometimes we’ll be delivered before, sometimes in the midst, sometimes after, maybe never in this lifetime.  
  • May we have an unshakable faith that God is in control.  Ultimately, we will be delivered when Jesus comes again or when we get to heaven.  May God be glorified by our lives.  And in the end we will receive our allotted inheritance.  Thanks be to God!