Friday Devotional – The “Unclean, Dirty” Person

Pizza Ranch Serves

Friday Devotional – The “Unclean, Dirty” Person

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Friday Devotional

Today we’re looking at the story of the Samaritan woman found in John 4:1-26.

The story picks up with Jesus passing through Samaria on his way to Galilee.  The Jews tried to stay away from Samaria because was a region of people with mixed blood; even if they had to travel way out of the way.  If they did come in contact with the land, they would “dust off their feet” afterwards.  They wanted nothing to do with the people that lived there.

Point #1:  Jesus went to an “unclean,” undesirable place…on purpose.


Then Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at a well.  She is a woman with a bad reputation.  She’d been married 5 different times, and was living with another.  Jesus found her drawing water in the middle of the day.  It was common for the ladies to get their water in the early morning or the end of the day.  So for her to be there at noon indicated that she was more of an outcast. For him to strike up a conversation with her was also uncommon.  Especially since he was a Jew.  He started by asking her for a drink.

Point #2:  Jesus talked to an “unclean, dirty” person…on purpose.


This woman had an inner thirst that she was trying to quench.  She was trying to fill a need she had inside. The same can be true with us.  Deep within us we all have a thirst for God that was broken and distorted because of sin.  We try to fill it with something other than God.  We try to satisfy that need with all kinds of things: money, status, recognition, experiences, stuff, etc.

Point #3:  Jesus knows our story…and everyone has a story to be heard.  Good, bad, or otherwise.


Jesus tells us that He’s the only thing that will satisfy. When we receive Christ that void is forever filled.  That inner thirst we have will be forever quenched. We become fully adopted into His family…with all the privileges that come with it.  We are actually seen by God through His son Jesus.  And we are absolutely declared not guilty…no matter what.

Point #4:  Jesus is the only thing that we can ultimately find satisfaction in.

