Friday Devotional – Trust

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

In my lifetime, now more than ever, we seem to have a country in turmoil, there is craziness and danger everywhere, and false reports and slander seem to be the norm. It makes me angry sometimes. It makes me feel powerless…like there’s nothing I can do. But there is something I can do. And once again I’ve found that answer in the Bible.
We’ve been slowly walking through the Book of Psalms, and this week we’re looking at (Psalm 55). In this passage you can find 8 requests from David, 18 different complaints, a section that clearly points to Jesus being betrayed by one of his disciples, and 3 reasons for hope.
What stood out to me in this passage is that David is praying for God’s help as he is being plotted against by a son, Absalom, and a former friend, Ahithophel. It’s bad enough that his own son was conspiring to take his throne, but to add insult to injury, David’s long-time friend and trusted adviser has joined forces with him (2 Samuel 15-18).
David’s life (just like our country) is in turmoil; craziness and danger are everywhere; false reports and slander have become the norm.
Ultimately, David turns to God. And this is what we can do too. Pray a simple confession of faith: “I trust in You.” (Ps 55:23)
Psalm 55:22 says, “Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; He will never let the righteous fall.” (All problems go away?...No)
- Cast our burdens on the Lord.
- He will take care of us through it.
- Take comfort that God is intimately aware of what’s happening.
- He sees our struggles and stands ready to intervene.
- We will not be overcome or destroyed.
- He is not distant or uncaring.
- Instead, He actively protects and upholds us.
- We have an unshakeable foundation through Jesus.
May we each find rest in God’s faithfulness…placing our burdens, no matter what they are, firmly in God’s hands where they belong. That’s where we’ll find peace.