Friday Devotional – WORDS

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

A phrase that I heard a lot growing up is: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” Haha…Is that true? My experience early in my life would make me think otherwise. My experience in life now makes me question it too. Yes, we learn how to work through things differently as we mature, but words still have power. It may not be what they said, it may be how they said it, or who they said it about…or in front of. It may be more about someone not saying something at all when maybe they should have.
Words have that kind of power. Words have the power to bless or to wound. When we speak carelessly or negatively, we damage others as well as ourselves. (Proverbs 12: 18) sees it as a stabbing of the heart with a sword. It’s reckless, and in some cases brutal. But it also talks of words having the ability to heal on the spot. This ability to speak words is an awesome privilege granted to us by God. We need help wielding this mighty power responsibly.
Like never before, the world seems to applaud disgusting and knucklehead speech. But the Lord has something else in mind. He wants us to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. And when we do speak, to do so with wisdom, and with what is helpful to others. This isn’t always so easy to do, is it? We understand that, but it is something Scripture tells us to do if/when we claim Christ. Do you claim Christ? If so, then your words matter.
Whether on the phone, writing, or talking, a quick prayer before we respond keeps us in touch with God’s presence. This helps us speak under the control of the Spirit.