Friday Devotional - Be a Good Branch

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

John 15:1-8 – Jesus, the True Vine
God = Gardener
Jesus = Vine
Believers = Branches
As Christians we need to know our role as a branch. We need to stay closely connected to the vine (Jesus) so that we can bear good fruit. Branches also need to be obedient to what the Gardner (God) has planned for them. We are called to be obedient and to respond faithfully to God. God as our Gardener, is responsible for pruning us and making decisions about what happens and the timing of when things happen.
When we are called to share the good news of Christ with those around us, we are not responsible for the outcome. We are responsible for acting obediently to what we’re called to do, but it’s God that is responsible for the outcome. We are to point people to the vine (Jesus) and help them connect to the vine. God knows the plan for every person. There may be times when we feel called to talk to someone about Christ and it doesn’t go well. That’s ok, maybe all God needed us to do in that moment was to plant a seed or share some encouragement even if it isn’t well received in that moment. God sees the bigger picture and works even what might feel like our failures for his good.
As you live your life, strive to be a good branch and don’t try to be the gardener. Stay connected to the vine and point other to the vine too.