Friday Devotions - Follow Me

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31
John 21: 15-22 shares a beautiful full-circle moment Peter had with Jesus! This story takes place the 3rd time Jesus appeared to his disciples after the Resurrection. After denying Jesus 3 times before the rooster crowed (Luke 22:54-62), Jesus gave Peter the opportunity to prove his love of Jesus once again. 3 times Jesus asked Peter if he loved him, to which Peter responded “You know that I love you.” and Jesus in turn gave him a charge, a responsibility - feed my lambs, take care of my sheep. Jesus ends their conversation with another command – FOLLOW ME
But RIGHT after that moment passed, Peter noticed John walking behind them and immediately lost his focus on Jesus. Peter asked Jesus “But what about him?” indicating towards John. Jesus basically told Peter – mind your own business that’s not for you to know!
I often find myself in the same shoes as Peter. Even though God has crafted my life and called me to a unique path of serving and following Christ, it can be so easy to lose focus on following Jesus. Dead to our selfish, sinful nature, it can be natural to see the way God is using or blessing someone else and wondering “why not me?”. The devil loves to make us get caught up focusing on what others are doing rather than focusing on the life of faithful following we are called to.
Jesus’s words here make it so clear – “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.” It doesn’t matter how God uses those around you, all you need to focus on is fixing your eyes and heart on Jesus and following Him.