Friday Devotions - God's Perfectly Orchestrated Plan

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Story of Joseph's life - Genesis 37-50
Joseph’s life was marked by ups and downs that God perfectly orchestrated (we often see these as “things that life throws our way”). Some of the key points are that Joseph is his father’s favorite son, causing his brothers to hate him. Joseph also has dreams that show his brothers bowing down to him, which caused them to despise him more and be jealous of him. He’s sold by his brothers and ends up in Egypt where he experiences years of highs and lows, from successfully managing Potiphar’s household to being thrown in prison for something he didn’t do. The Lord is with him through it all. Joseph again rises through the ranks and is placed 2nd in command in Egypt. God works through him to save many people. Included in those he saves, are the very brothers that sold him and also his beloved father, Jacob. They are reunited nearly 20 year after Joseph was sold. Rather than being upset, Joseph weeps over them and hugs them. He tells them that it was God’s plan all along and places no guilt on them. Amazing grace and forgiveness! The dream God gave Joseph is fulfilled, but the route to get there is likely not how Joseph envisioned it. It was years before Joseph was able to look back and see how God’s plan was for his good and for a greater purpose, but he remained faithful through the struggles. For many of us 2020 has been a year we weren’t planning on, but don’t lose hope. Our dreams and the purpose God has for us is still being accomplished, just in a different way than what we thought it would. Keep the faith and the hope! God is with you!