Monday Mission - Make a List

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

This time of year, when you hear the phrase “Make a list!”, what image comes to mind? Maybe a jolly older gentleman dressed in red? Most people enjoy receiving presents, but don’t always stop to think about the gifts that God has already given us.
I’m reminded of a book I received when I was really young and recently dug out to read to my young daughters – it’s called “Counting Katie’s Gifts” by El-Louise Price. After playing with a friend who received a present for no apparent reason, little Katie goes home and asks her mom for a present. Instead of buying her something, Katie’s mom takes her outside and teaches her all about the gifts that God has already given her, such as singing birds, green grass, flowers and more.
Take a few minutes today and write down a list of gifts that God has given you. What a great way to reflect on God’s generosity and faithfulness during this Thanksgiving week.
Photo Credit: Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash