Mission Monday – What’s in a Word

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

At the beginning of a new year, some people choose a word to embrace, learn about and lean into for the next year. While I haven’t done this before, I do believe in the power of words – written, spoken and believed.
While 2021 has already started, my challenge for today is to choose a word to hold close to for this week. Maybe it’s trust. Maybe it’s hope. Maybe it’s life. I’ll join you – my word this week is faith.
Faith that people still are good and can choose to embrace the good in themselves and others. Faith that God is still very much in control of a world where many of us haven’t felt control in almost 10 months. Faith that God in the business of redemption and that He is working good in us for His glory, even when we are messy.
So what’s your word? What will you hold tightly to and claim in Jesus for your week? He’s always there and always wants us to lean into Him, even through a simple word.
Photo credit: Brett Jordan via Unsplash