Monday Mission - Identify Your Purpose
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31
As we are well into our 2nd month of 2022, I wanted to ask you a question. . .where are you at with identifying your purpose? Maybe this is something each year you consciously think about and ask God to help you determine. Maybe this is the first time you've been challenged by this question. Wherever you are in the potentially wide spectrum of places you could be with finding a living out your purpose I want to challenge you this week to bring this in prayer to God. Ask Him for clarity in your journey and direction for your life. The cool thing about finding purpose is that it doesn't have to be overwhelming or start with finding your life's purpose. It can start by just praying and asking God to help you find your purpose for today! When you start here, He can help take it from there and start working in your life in amazing ways!