Monday Mission - Living in God’s Laws

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

A little over 2 years ago my husband and I adopted a 5-month-old puppy from our nearby Animal Shelter. Over the years our 20-pound puppy has grown into a 70-pound dog and taught us not only a lot about pet ownership, but also a lot about our faith in God. This week I wanted to share some of those lessons with you all!
When we first got our puppy, she didn’t trust us. She had come from a previous home that gave her up once she developed a “big girl bark” and wasn’t a cute little puppy anymore. When we opened the door of our house she would “escape” out the door and go bounding down the street. We would diligently chase her down and return her to the safety of home. She didn’t understand that her new home provided her with protection from cars, nutritious food, and a safe, dry place to sleep. Over and over our dog would try to escape into a world full of dangerous dogs, speeding cars, & freezing cold temperatures, only to be brought back home to safety. Over the years she has learned to trust us. We can leave the door standing wide open now and she won’t leave unless my husband or I say “Let’s Go Pup!”
I think this is a beautiful reminder of what it is like to live within God’s law. As sinful humans often we try to “escape” God’s laws and go chasing after the pleasures and idols of this world - just like my dog trying to escape out of our home. But by God’s grace, the Holy Spirit’s guidance brings us back time after time. We learn how to live within God’s laws and are blessed by it. Just like my dog has learned that she is blessed & protected by staying within our home. We are blessed and protected from the sinful evils of the world by following God’s laws.
I think it is also important to call out that following God’s laws doesn’t mean that everything in your life will be perfect. In fact, the Jesus said that we WILL face trials in this fallen world (“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. – John 16:33”). The same is true for my dog. Sometimes she does face hardship inside the house - the vacuum cleaner is pure terror! But she is much safer in the house under our protection than out in the wilderness on her own. The same is true for Christians. As it is written in 1 Peter 3:17 “For it is better, if it is God’s will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil.”
However, I think we can take this illustration a step further. Our dog has learned to trust us to lead her through the dangerous world outside. When we say “Let’s Go Pup!” she follows eagerly. The same should be said for Christians. We can’t huddle in our “Christian Bubbles” forever and pretend there is no sin or danger in the world, but God’s law guides us to glorify God, serve God, and spread the gospel without falling victim to evil pressures of this world.
So, if you also have an escape artist as a pet, let that be a reminder to you of how good it is to live in God’s laws rather than to run from them.
Cover Photo by Elisa Kennemer on Unsplash
Image in article courtesy of Zach Van Den Top