Monday Mission - Rejoice & Be Glad In It

Pizza Ranch Serves

Monday Mission - Rejoice & Be Glad In It

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Monday Mission
Psalm 118 24
Psalm 118:24 written on my hand that day as a reminder.

I am a long-distance runner, and recently I ran a half marathon (13.1 miles). Before each of my races, I pick a verse to focus on and dwell in during my competition. Psalm 118:24 was the verse I had picked out for this race. "This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it." I had that verse written on my hand so when the running got difficult, I could look down at my hand and remember that today is a day to rejoice!

I trained hard for this race and had a goal I was pacing to beat. For 10 weeks I trained for this race. I did everything I knew to prepare for success & meet my goal.

But that didn't happen. I didn't run as I had hoped and tripping on mile 11 led to scraping up my knees and my calves cramping. I finished that race with my blood, sweat, and LOTS of tears on the car ride home.

But as I sat on the ground after the race massaging out my calves & wishing I could forget this horrible race day, I saw Psalm 118:24 written on my about a gut check! Even if my race didn't go how I wanted, even if I was busy washing the blood off my legs instead of celebrating a new personal best time, the day was still a day God made and I was called to rejoice in it!

Instead of dwelling on what didn't go according to plan, I tried to switch my mindset to gratitude. God blessed me with a healthy body that can face challenges I wasn't expecting. He provided me an opportunity to prove my persistence and humble me a bit. God created me to be a runner and loves me even when I am frustrated with myself. God knew exactly how this race would end, even from before I started by training. God created this day and I would rejoice in it!

So your Monday Mission is to rejoice in the day God has blessed you with - the good and the bad.
