Friday Devotional - God Is Greater Than My Heart

Pizza Ranch Serves

Friday Devotional - God Is Greater Than My Heart

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Friday Devotional


What do you do when life hits you with circumstances that turns your heart into a punching bag of the enemy? When events slowly tear you down and the onslaught of problems, anxieties and troubles begin to goad your heart to “accuse” God of neglect. Consequently, tremendous guilt begins to set in because deep down you know God hasn’t done anything to you, even though your heart condemns with scathing accusations. And then to top it all off, you begin to condemn yourself because of the negativity you feel toward your circumstances, yourself, and even God Himself.

The Bible says, “For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and He knows all things”. (1 John 3:20 NKJV) This is one of my favorite scriptures! Regardless of my circumstance, whether self-inflicted or an enemy assault, when my heart condemns me, GOD IS GREATER THAN MY HEART. Hallelujah! Without giving a Greek/Hebrew language lesson, it is pertinent to understand the deeper meanings of two words within this scripture because it gives a tremendously deep lesson.

The Word here used for God is qeoj pronounced “theh-os” and the word used for greater in the original language is megaj pronounced meg’as. Theh-os is one of the most generic terms the Bible uses in reference to God and meg’as is where we get our English word Mega. The hidden gem of meaning is this… The smallest most generic defining term used in the Bible describing God, is Mega or greater than anything this world, the devil or even your very own conscience can throw at you. When circumstances lead my heart to condemn myself, the Bible makes it crystal clear that the minutest particle of God Almighty is GREATER, MEGA-GREATER than my hearts self-destructive nature.

This passage of scripture is literally begging us to exhibit the faith to believe that when circumstances of life, death, sin and even when my own heart condemns me, that GOD IS GREATER THAN MY HEART!
