Monday Mission - Sad Days and Bad Days

Pizza Ranch Serves

Monday Mission - Sad Days and Bad Days

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Monday Mission
Two people with heads down together on a couch. One lady has her head in her hand and holding the hands of the other lady in prayer.

Sometimes we don't have the right words to express ourselves adequately when we or someone else is having a bad, sad, mad, day. I want to tell you that it's ok! We don't always have to express ourselves with words. Prayer has the power to overcome our inadequacies so God can be present and at work in us and through us.

My family very recently lost a loved one and sometimes it gets awkward when we or others don't know what to say, but words aren't always necessary. A prayer and a hug may sometimes be more fitting. Even saying, "I don't know what to say" may fit the conversation.

I want to encourage you when someone you know is having a bad, sad, mad day to say a prayer for that person. Maybe ask them if you can help them with something. Simply let them know you don't have words for them, but are just there to listen if they want to talk. God fills those moments and is able to turn them into blessings. What joy there is when God's people care for each other!

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash
