Monday Mission - Search Inward

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

At church right now we’re studying the book of Daniel. Daniel was relocated, by King Nebuchadnezzar, from Jerusalem to Babylon where he was trained in the ways of Babylon. He was given a new name and offered food from the King’s table. King Nebuchadnezzar was attempting to make Daniel, and some other young leaders, forget their heritage and faith in God. He wanted them to serve a different god. Read about Daniel here.
Much of what happened to Daniel was out of his control, the culture around him was vastly different. Daniel was obedient to the king, but also knew there were certain things he wouldn’t compromise on. For Daniel this meant not eating certain foods and not bowing down to other gods.
How about you? Are there things in our culture that you know aren’t right but that you’ve accepted as normal? As you go about your week, look inward and evaluate if there are areas of your life where you’ve compromised to what the world says is normal versus upholding God’s standards. Ask God to open your eyes to any blind spots in your life where you’ve compromised or strayed. God can and wants to help you walk closely with him.