Monday Mission - Season of Advent

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

December 1st was the first Sunday in Advent and this year our small group is studying the Under Wraps (The gift we never expected).
Week 1 God is expectant - "We reflect upon God as an eager Gift-giver who expects to break through to the world, bringing hope to the darkest places and forever changing our understanding of God's love and grace."
Week 2 God is dangerous - "God is mighty and has powerful plans for his children. God so loved the world that he calls us to live our lives to the fullest, which sometime means we are called to do tasks we never imagined ourselves in doing."
Week 3 God is Jealous - "Remember God wants to be our first love and have first place in our lives."
Week 4 God is Faithful - "We discover that God's motivation and message in sending Jesus from the cradle to the cross was God's love for every person on earth."
During this season reflect on Christmas as it "challenges us to pause and remember the hope we have during a stressful season that all too often emphasizes greed and money."
Let's celebrate the reason for the season or Jesus our savior came into this world to save us from our sins!
Reflect, meditate, and pray for the great gift given to us!
Thank you Jessica LaGrone, Andy Nixon, Rob Renfroe, Ed Robb for this wonderful study!