Monday Mission - Slow Down

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Do you ever feel like all we as a society do is rush from one thing to the next? From one event to the next. From one meal to the next. From one activity to the next. You get my point.
I feel like this too often for my liking. Not one who likes to be rushed, I appreciate when I get a few moments of stillness and silence. Oh, I can rush when needed (hello getting out the door in the morning!), but I’m a happier person when I can enjoy my cup of coffee from a familiar coffee mug and not just from a travel mug.
Today’s Monday Mission is to find even just 5 minutes to slow down. Grab your coffee or tea, pull out a devotional and take 5 minutes to reflect on God, His character and where you see Him moving in your life. May you be blessed by those 5 quiet, slow minutes.
Photo credit: Jonathan J. Castellon