Monday Mission - Trust Through the Test

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

This week we are going to be taking a deep dive into Genesis 22:1-19. Whether you have never read this section of scripture before, or if you have read it a hundred times, I recommend taking a moment to click on that link and read the passage before we dive in.
Seriously, I’ll wait.
Did you read it? Ok good! Thanks for coming back. Let’s go over two key players of this story real quick:
Abraham – God called Abraham, a 75-year-old man with no son, out of his homeland and into the land of Canaan. God promised to make him a great nation and that his descendants would outnumber the stars in the sky.
Isaac – The son born to Abraham at age 100. The child’s name means “one who laughs/rejoices” because Sarah (Abraham’s Wife / Issac’s Mom) laughed in disbelief when she heard God’s plan was that she would become pregnant with a son after spending her whole life barren. He was Abraham and Sarah’s ONLY son.
So you can probably imagine Abraham’s confusion and concern when God spoke to Abraham and commanded him to sacrifice his ONLY son Isaac – the one God was SUPPOSED to use to fulfill his promise to make Abraham’s offspring a great nation!
But being obedient to God and trusting in God’s promises, Abraham did as he was told. The next day they set off with some firewood and supplies (but no animal to sacrifice!) on a 3 day Journey to Moriah. One can only imagine some of the thoughts that may have been rushing through Abraham’s head! But Scripture does give us some indication.
Genesis 22:5: When Abraham departs from his servants and donkey he says to them “WE will worship and then WE will come back to you.” Indicating that he believed he would return with Isaac at the end of this test.
Genesis 22:7-8: When Issac asked where the animal for the sacrifice was Abraham’s response was “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” (We’ll dive more into this response on Thursday!) which indicated that Abraham believed God would provide a substitute.
Hebrews 11:17-19: The Author hints that in Abraham’s heart he believed that even if he did need to sacrifice his only son, God would raise him from the death to fulfill his promise…(again more to come on Thursday!)
In the end, Abraham trusted God, and God spared Isaac. God sent his angel to stop Abraham from sacrificing his son and provided a ram for sacrifice instead just as Abraham had expected. God tested Abraham by asking him to do something that seemed impossible and illogical. Yet Abraham trusted God’s promises through the test and was willing to give up the blessings God had provided (his son) in obedience to God’s will, while still trusting God to carry out his promises (to make him a great nation).
So what about you? When God asks you to sacrifice the blessings he has given you, are you willing to give them up out of obedience to God and his will? When God tests you, do you trust in the promises he has given you of His good, perfect, and pleasing will?
Your Monday Mission this week is to face the tests God gives you with confidence in His will & not let the blessings God has granted you distract you from your obedience.
...and your second Monday Mission is to come back to the blog to learn more about Genesis 22 this week...but ESPECIALLY Thursday!
Photo by K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash