Monday Mission - World Kindness Day

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Today, November 13, is World Kindness Day. Be intentional about being kind all day. Here are 100 acts of kindness to kick-start your day. What will you do to spread kindness to everyone you encounter today?
- Donate food, toys, books, or clothes to a good cause
- Smile at everyone you come across
- Hug someone who needs it
- Pick up trash in a parking lot or a park
- Donate to a non-profit or charity that you admire
- Send a handwritten note to someone
- Send anonymous flowers to someone who's been on your mind
- Say "please" and "thank you"
- Bring hot cocoa to a friend
- Send someone a secret gift
- Call your parents/grandparents/far-away relative
- Volunteer your time over lunch or after school
- Walk a dog for a neighbor or your local shelter
- Hold open doors for others
- Leave encouraging notes in public places
- Pay for someone’s coffee, meal, groceries, car wash, gas, etc.
- Bring a meal to someone in need
- Bring diapers to a new mom
- Thank a teacher, public servant, pastor
- Give compliments instead of complaints
- Say "good morning!" to everyone with a smile
- Read to someone in the nursing home/hospital/daycare (I suggest this book for kids, one of my son's favorites)
- If someone around you is gossiping, butt in with something nice to say
- Put a quarter in someone’s expired meter
- Put your phone away and engage in conversations
- Buy a meal for someone else
- Compliment a person to his/her boss
- Leave a bigger tip than you normally would for your server
- Let someone into your lane
- Leave your paper/magazine behind for someone else to read
- Let the person behind you at the grocery store go first
- Give away free stuff on a social platform
- Give someone a book
- Comment something nice on someone's Instagram/Facebook post
- Let someone else have the closer parking space
- Volunteer at an after-school kids program
- Make eye contact when you’re walking about
- Play board games at the nursing home
- Actively listen to someone
- Babysit for free – a struggling family, single mom, someone who needs a break- give them an excuse to get out of the house
- Hold the elevator for someone
- Leave extra quarters at the laundromat, in vending machines, car wash
- Write your spouse a list of things you love about them
- Pray with someone
- Send dessert to another table at the restaurant
- Help your elderly neighbor with chores
- Give up your seat on public transportation
- Give your delivery driver a cup of something hot to drink
- Drop off a bag of dog/cat food at the animal shelter
- Wash someone’s car
- Make an extra lunch and give the other away
- Don’t complain
- Do the dishes for someone else
- Be patient
- Return someone else’s grocery cart in the parking lot
- Organize a volunteer project
- Call or email your favorite restaurant and leave a compliment instead of a complaint
- Have your kids draw someone a picture and mail it to them
- Bring snacks to the teachers at your school
- No road rage/honking today
- Donate colors and coloring books to the hospital waiting room
- Pull weeds in someone’s lawn or rake their leaves
- Send pizza anonymously to a family that could use it
- Forgive someone
- Make the extra pot of coffee at work
- Tell someone a joke – make them smile
- Pass out stickers to kids waiting in line somewhere
- Leave an encouraging note in a library book
- Thank a teacher who made a difference in your life
- Thank your pastor
- Stand up for someone else
- Donate blood
- Tell your parents you love them
- Give yourself a break
- If you’re thinking nice things about someone, text them or let them know
- Say thank you to the janitor
- Let your spouse sleep in
- Put a tip in the tip jar
- Send a care package to someone in the military, a missionary, or a college student
- Donate to the local food bank
- Make bird feeders and hang them outside
- Tape a bag of microwave popcorn with a nice note to the Redbox
- Help someone with their bags- at the store or in an airport
- Help someone move
- Make a new friend
- Use a reusable water bottle instead of a disposable one
- Sit with someone who is eating alone
- Sign up to be an organ donor
- Be kind to someone you don’t get along with- hold your tongue and find something nice to say
- Offer to pick up your friend’s kids after school
- Offer to work late for a co-worker so he/she can leave early
- Do that thing you’ve been putting off
- Clean up after someone else without acknowledgement
- Plan something fun for someone else: your spouse, kids, neighbors, friends
- Support a local business
- Let someone else “win”
- Talk positive about others
- Leave your spouse an encouraging note somewhere they aren't expecting to find it
- Surprise someone with their favorite treat or drink
- Inspire someone else to do something good