Stories of Impact – Sioux Center, IA

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31
Pizzas were being delivered to Interstates Companies in Sioux Center Iowa from the local Pizza Ranch.
When the delivery driver showed up, one of the admins went up to the front desk to get the pizzas. Apparently they knew each other from school started chatting, getting caught up on what was going on in their life.
The admin asked him if he was full time there and he said yeah; the GM offered me to come work full time for really good pay so I’m doing this instead of construction.
AND then he said this “you know, if I get to drive a delivery van and talk to people while doing it then so be it, I like what I do”
“What an AWESOME way to look at your job and what you do?” (As reported by the Administrative Assistant)
We want to make an impact and glorify God, and yet what is often overlooked is that simply enjoying your job and being passionate in what you do leaves an impression upon the people we serve—our guests.