Thursday Thought - Created to Work

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

This week our family started a bible reading plan - so straight to Genesis we went. And despite having read this dozens of times before, I learned something new. There are only 2 chapters in the Bible where everything is perfect. Genesis 1-2. In chapter 3, sin enters the world for the first time. What I didn't pay close attention to before is, what did a sinless world actually look like? This is what I found. Even before sinning, Adam and Eve were assigned work by God. They were instructed to fill the earth and govern it (Genesis 1:28), tend and watch over the garden (Genesis 2:15), and name the animals (Genesis 2:19). Governing the earth, raising a family and tending a garden sound like quite a bit of work to me. But I was excited to learn that God created us to do work. Everything in the garden was perfect and God called the Earth good, but it was not work free. For everyone out there that enjoys work and finds satisfaction what they do, that's a great thing because we were in fact created to work. So today find joy in the work you were assigned to do! And someday when we enter the perfect gates of heaven, maybe we'll have work to do there too. And if we do, I'm sure it will bring us even more joy than our earthly work does today. Last thing, don't forget, God rested on the 7th day, so make time for that as well (Genesis 2:2-3). Hopefully with the holiday weekend approaching you can find some time to rest. Have a blessed 4th of July everyone!