Wednesday - Story of Impact - Bucket of Candy and a Sweet Message

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Pizza Ranch celebrated a new store opening on Monday! We welcomed Wichita, KS to the Ranch family. Last week, fellow franchisees, Dick and Dianne Kovarna, from Hutchinson, KS stopped in with well wishes and a bucket filled with candy for the team members to have during training week. The bucket was covered in encouragement and Pizza Ranch Way messages such us "Do the Right Thing" and "Pursue Excellence." But what really made this bucket special was a quote that Dianne had written on the bucket. The quote came from Cassie Wilson, a beloved Pizza Ranch Support Center employee, that was taken from this world earlier than we would have chosen. She clearly impacted the Kovarna's along with countless other people. Her energy was contagious. She was a beautiful person inside and out. Cassie's dad, Clarence, works for Pizza Ranch and was at the Wichita store when Dick and Dianne arrived. Seeing the bucket, and having his daughter remembered meant so much to him. Cassie's quote is this, "Love the life that you lead, and lead the life that you love." Clarence, Dick and Dianne, thanks for sharing this special memory of Cassie with us. For the rest of us, let's take this to heart and love the life we lead.