Thursday Thought - Jealousy

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Today we'll look at one final character in the story of the Prodigal Son, Luke 15:11-32. We're already looked at the celebration that happened, and at the son that chose to return. Today we'll look at the older son. This older son has faithfully served his father for many years. This brother isn't excited about the party being thrown for the younger brother that has returned after squandering his inheritance. The older brother is upset that his father is treating him with kindness that exceeds the level of kindness his father has shown to him. He even states that his father has never thrown a party for him. Can anyone relate to this older brother? I know I can. Why does it seem like some people get away with everything and still win in the end? It can be frustrating if you've worked hard and then don't receive the celebration or recognition when someone else does. The father reminds the older son that they must celebrate for the lost brother has been found. We are called to rejoice when a sinner finds their way home. The father also informs the son that his inheritance is coming, and it sounds it will be even greater than what the younger son received. Moral of the story. When things don't seem fair on earth remember that your Father in Heaven knows your heart, sees your good works, and has a treasure in store for you. Be patient, your party is coming too! Until then, celebrate with the lost that are now found and rejoice that God has brought them home.