Wednesday Story of Impact - Game Plan for Life Breakfast by Joe Gibbs

Pizza Ranch Serves

Wednesday Story of Impact - Game Plan for Life Breakfast by Joe Gibbs

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Wednesday Stories of Impact
Joe Gibbs on stage
Joe Gibbs Speaking
Joe Gibbs Praying close up
Joe Gibbs Praying for Attendees

For the past 14 years Pizza Ranch has had the honor of partnering with Joe Gibbs in his work to share his message, "Game Plan for Life." The most recent event was last week in Billings, MT. This week we're studying the Story of the Prodigal Son, found in Luke 15:11-32. Game Plan for Life is the perfect event that encourages people to find or return to Jesus. In the 14 events that Pizza Ranch has partnered with Joe Gibbs we're celebrating the redeeming work of Christ as he's brought the right people at the right times.

Here is a summary of the results:

*12,968 people have been directly impacted for the Kingdom by attending.

*The average attendance has been 926 people.

*2,573 people have received Christ for the 1st time.

*1,360 have rededicated their life to Christ.

*823 expressed a desire to grow spiritually.

*A total of 4,756 have expressed a new desire to move forward in faith.

Can I get an AMEN and a HALLELUJAH? What a great reason for heaven and earth to rejoice in these people that have accepted Christ for the first time or returned to Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior.

I'm excited just seeing these "stats," and I wish I knew more about these individuals and their stories. I can only imagine the joy our Heavenly Father feels as these children of his accept and return to him. He knows them and loves them as only a perfect Lord can. Praise God for his mighty works in these lives. Each one with their own story and now their own impact to make for the Kingdom. May we collectively continue to glorify God and celebrate his marvelous works!
