Thursday Thought - No Expiration Dates

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31
I listened to a podcast last week by Christine Caine about how God’s promises don’t have an expiration date. She gave a real-life example about how if your passport expires, then you don’t get to board a plane and get to your destination; you’re left out/behind.
Citing the story of Abraham and Sarah in Genesis 18, Christine talked about how Sarah had a hard time believing the visitors who told her that in one year’s time, she would have a son. At this time, both Abraham and Sarah were “old” and that Sarah was past the “right age” for women to have children. She believed that her chance to have children and for God’s promises to come true had past, that God’s promise had expired.
However, God specializes in doing the impossible. By doing the impossible, we are forced see that it’s God moving and not anything that we have done. We see that in Genesis 21, God did the impossible with Sarah and kept His promise of a son for her. There was nowhere else for Abraham and Sarah to credit their son but to God.
Spend a couple of minutes thinking today about what in your life you believe to have an expiration date and how God’s timing of fulfilling promises can turn even the most unlikely situation into a reality – all for His glory.
Photo credit: Estee Janssens via