Thursday Thoughts - Kings of Israel

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31
The answer is 20!
Unfortunately, starting with Jeroboam who we discussed on Monday, Israel had a line of mostly bad to bad kings until they were taken captive by Assyria many years later. Jeroboam started the practice of different worship centers and religious festivities. The next king, Nadab, only ruled for two years before being assassinated. Zimri, a couple kings later, only ruled for 7 days. God still gave many chances, most prominently through the prophet Elijah during the reign of Ahab (& Jezebel), but the leaders never turned fully back to God. This led to the downfall of the northern tribes.
Thankfully, our loving God cares for us and will take us in if we repent and turn to him. But time is never guaranteed and sin should never be taken lightly. Continue to pursue God by staying grounded in the word and prayer and surrounding yourself with other believers. Remember to pray for each other and your leaders. Collectively we can encourage and strengthen each other and live for Christ!
Photo by Shirly Niv Marton on Unsplash