Thursday Thoughts - Training

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Have you ever run a half-marathon? I ran my first one earlier this year following a 12 week training program. Let me tell ya, a 12 week training program seemed a lot longer than 12 weeks! Overall I really enjoyed the challenge though and it helped me accomplish my goals on race day. It also got me thinking about how Jesus may have 'trained' for his Ministry on this earth.
Some scholars believe Jesus was baptized at around age 31 and was crucified on the cross merely 2-3 years later. What was going on in his life for the first 31 years? Did he really need to 'train' for 31 years for a 2-3 year race? What was he like as a 6 year old? 18 year old? We get a small glimpse of him as a young man in the temple, but beyond that nothing. It's interesting that we get to walk alongside Jesus' last 2-3 years on this earth but their isn't much on the first 30 years.