Thursday Thoughts - When Thoughts Are Not Excellent

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

On Monday this week we looked at pursuing excellent thoughts from Philippians 4:8. While I know God wants our thoughts to be pure, holy, and right, the truth is this can be really hard some days. How do we redeem the days when our mind wanders and our thoughts are not glorifying to God? We can do the following:
- Repent, ask God's forgiveness and then ask his help in pursuing more excellent thoughts as we are powerless to do this on our own. God's mercies don't end after the first time we fail, hallelujah! Continue to pray and seek Him.
- We can get active in God's Word by reading key verses throughout the day to remind ourselves where our thoughts should be. Try to memorize these verses to rely on them when you're struggling. Here are some of the verses that I'm memorizing are:
- Ask for accountability from a trusted person in your life to check in periodically.
- Remove thought-trap temptations (radio stations, television, social media, etc.)
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