Thursday Thoughts - Which way am I going?

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

What do you rely on to tell you what direction to go? For many of us maps have been replaced with smartphones and it's so easy to plug in an address and be on our way. The directions provided inform us of the shortest route and alert us of obstacles that may be in the way, like road construction. If you're like me, I don't go on many trips without plugging the directions into my GPS. I'm trusting that those good directions will help me to arrive at my destination safely and on time. What would happen if I didn't plug in the directions and just started driving? Would I arrive on time, or is there a chance I would take a wrong turn and get lost? I'd be lost in no time. The same is true when we're looking for directions in our lives. What do we reach for to guide us in the right direction and keep us on the right path? Our own thoughts? The way the crowd is going? What social media tells us is right? I'm not sure any of those are the best choice. Make your Bible the thing you grab daily. Use it to discern which way you're going. Rely on it for good directions as you navigate through life and remember God's GPS route ends in the most amazing place imaginable, even if there are a few obstacles in getting there.
Psalm 32:8 The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.