Thursday Video - God is so Good

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31
This week I’ve shared a little bit about my family’s experiences on a mission trip to Haiti. Today’s video was taken on that trip. We were helping with an English class, and one of the songs the class had learned was “God is so Good.” The Kreyol version is sung regularly in the school and it was fun to hear the kids sing it in English for us. What struck me is the reality that these kids are growing up in a 3rd world country and yet have a real understanding of God’s goodness. In a culture with so little, they rely on God daily and give praise to him for everything they have. What’s your perspective of God’s goodness? Hopefully your experiences in life can show you that God is good, even though life is sometimes hard.