Tuesday Truth - H.O.P.E.

Pizza Ranch Serves

Tuesday Truth - H.O.P.E.

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Tuesday Truths

I went for a run the other night to clear my head and as I approached a local park I noticed nearly every other sidewalk square was covered in colorful chalk, filled with fun hand drawn pictures and words of encouragement.

One that stuck out had the word H.O.P.E. spelled in big bold letters, then "Hold On, Pain Ends" written in smaller letters below.

I've never seen that before, and while it is so simple it did make me smile and gave me comfort, if even just for a moment.

Just hold on people, God has plan, He will end this pain in good time.
