Tuesday Truths - None Forgotten

Pizza Ranch Serves

Tuesday Truths - None Forgotten

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Tuesday Truths
None Forgotten

A troubled kid. An elderly veteran. What might these two individuals have in common? They are two kinds of people often overlooked by society and thrown to the wayside. We know our Lord doesn’t do this. There are a multitude of examples of Christ pursuing the lost and broken—the woman at the well is just one example. That’s just the thing- He not only sees but sees everything: One’s past, one’s present and one’s future.

Jesus tells the woman in John 4:13 that she has had five husbands and that the one she is currently with is not her husband.

This proves He is after the ones forsaken by the world and that there is a spot in the father’s heart for them, too. Is there an area of life you feel forgotten in? Have you experienced being overlooked or unseen?

My challenge to you this week is to ask the Lord to reveal to you how He’s chosen you where no one else has and then go be those hands and feet to a lost and hurting, broken world.

Photo taken by Tricia at Wildwood Hills Ranch
