Wednesday Stories of Impact - Omaha Flooding

Wednesday Stories of Impact - Omaha Flooding

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Wednesday Stories of Impact

Over the past week the Midwest has been hit with devastating floods from the large amount of rainfall and sudden snow melt. Much of this water is settling in and around the Omaha, NE area which has forced many from their homes, businesses to close and personal belongings to wash away.

This weekend to help lift the spirits and show their support the Council Bluffs Pizza Ranch is helping to organize a place where clothing, bottled water and food can be donated. Raffle items donated by local businesses are being auctioned off and those funds are being allocated to those that need it most. They will also be donating a portion of their sales to the cause. A big 'THANK YOU' to Amanda and the crew down in Council Bluffs for helping to give back and support their neighbors in need!
