Wednesday - Stories of Impact Urbandale

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Urbandale, Iowa during these times it is great to see stories like this:
"CRAZY! God speaks in amazing ways. During some of our store remodels, we have been selling off our things. We posted a ton of expired chairs and had a buyer reach out to pick them all up this morning.
“Peace” arrived at 9:00 am with a home-built trailer. As we got to talking and loading up the 70 chairs, he had told us he is purchasing these chairs to donate to his father’s Christian Church in Congo. He has been in the US for 18 years, making money to fill shipping containers to send to his Church.
After hearing the story, the chairs were ultimately donated to replace the broken plastic chairs and floor their church currently uses for seating.
With all that is tough in the world today, slow down and seek the light. Our new friend “Peace” is shining the light, LIVING his life unafraid.
Love today, LIVE today, and find ways to shine HIS light today."
Thank you Justin for this Service from the Heart message❤