Wednesday Stories of Impact - Way to go, Juan!

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Tim Ness, the General Manager of the Andover, MN Pizza Ranch, received a call concerning an act of kindness done by Juan Gomez, one of Andover’s delivery drivers:
"I got a phone call today, asking me who made a delivery to Margaret's Place Senior Apartments yesterday at 3 pm. The gentleman proceeded to tell me his mom was walking her dog, and had slipped on the ice and hurt herself. She was calling for help until Juan arrived there for his delivery. He heard someone crying out, followed the voice and found her. He carefully helped her get up and brought her inside the building. He stopped in tonight to give Juan a gift card and to thank him for assisting his mom, when no one else did."
Juan we are very proud of your quick action and assistance in helping this woman. Thank you for living out our mission and vision!
Note from the gentleman….
"I honestly can't thank Juan enough. I mean this is my mom….my biggest supporter, the woman who raised me. She means the world to me, and with the temps being at -17° outside, it wouldn't have taken too long to freeze to death especially with her being 80 yrs old. Last night I thought about it and gave him a gift card. I owe him so much more…he saved my mom’s life! I have been on unemployment for a few months now, and as soon as I make a few moves later this week at work I’ll be back to Pizza Ranch to thank him even more with a lil’ old lady next to my side. I admit I was plenty choked up leaving. I can’t even begin to thank you for saving my mom. My father has passed and I’m getting older and my values have changed on how priceless life is. My mom has almost died like 3 times this last year, and she’s too stubborn to stop living…taking dogs out driving, and we all tell her to slow down because we want more time with her. I have 5 children that would be heartbroken if she passed. I would be devastated. God bless you guys, and Juan, thank you again. I'd hug the crap out of you if I could!"