Wednesday Story of Impact - Knit Sweaters

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Sometimes we make an impact on someone's life, and don't even realize it.
At some point during the Burlington, WI pre-opening, months before they opened, a manager had a conversation with a guest who was overjoyed to hear Pizza Ranch was coming to his town. Though this manager didn't realize how much of a profound impact he was having on the guest, this man and his wife were touched. On Valentine's Day, they brought teddy bears with hand knit sweaters for all the female staff as a Valentine's Day gift and a "welcome" to Burlington. This guest even remembered that this manager has 2 daughters, and that the General Managers has one, and brought bears for them as well!
A little compassion goes a long way. This manager invested in this guest, and in return, the guest invested in the staff. I can imagine that this will stay with this manager and the Burlington, WI team for a long time!
It is amazing how sometimes the Impact we have on our Communities isn't a grand event with weeks or months of planning... but just an every day conversation.
This is a touching story that is a reminder that sometimes we need to listen to God's promptings, whether that means spending the extra time to getting to know someone, being an ear to listen... or even knitting Teddy Bear Sweaters for an awesome Pizza Ranch Team.
Use whatever creative skills God give you to meet the needs of others and show them compassion!
1 Peter 4:30 - "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms."