Friday Devotional - Jesus Prepares the Table

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

As we gather around the Thanksgiving table, it’s a time to reflect on the abundance of God’s provision. The table in our homes, filled with delicious food and surrounded by loved ones, is a small reflection of the greater table Jesus prepares for us—a table of grace, salvation, and eternal fellowship.
Jesus Prepares the Ultimate Table
Psalm 23 reminds us that even in the midst of struggles, God is our Shepherd. He doesn’t just provide for our needs; He sets a table before us in the presence of enemies. This table is not merely a place to eat—it symbolizes safety, victory, and abundance in God’s presence. Fast forward to the Upper Room, where Jesus shared the Last Supper with His disciples. In Luke 22:19, He gave thanks as He broke bread, knowing it symbolized His body given for us. At this table, Jesus laid the foundation for the ultimate thanksgiving: His sacrificial love that makes eternal life possible.
An Invitation for Us All
The table Jesus prepares is not exclusive; it’s an open invitation to all who come to Him. The bread and the cup remind us of His sacrifice, a gift we could never earn. It’s a reminder that Thanksgiving isn’t just about material blessings—it’s about the eternal blessings we have through Christ. As we prepare our Thanksgiving tables, let us remember the spiritual feast Jesus invites us to. His table offers forgiveness for sin, peace in chaos, and the promise of life everlasting.
Challenge for the Week
This Thanksgiving, set aside a moment at your table to share one way God has been faithful in your life this year. Celebrate the spiritual feast Jesus has prepared by sharing His love with someone in need, whether it’s a meal, a word of encouragement, or an act of kindness.
Let’s not just give thanks—let’s live thanks!