Monday Mission - Sharing Thankfulness

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Content provided by Jenna Finkenhoefer
It’s here! One of my favorite weeks of the year…Thanksgiving week!! I’m sure you are probably making lists, preparing for company, and in general being a whirling dervish of planning and execution (only kidding).
As I’m thinking about sitting around the Thanksgiving table this year with family and friends, I started prepping my response for the inevitable game of “What are you thankful for?”. Although it’s a wonderful tradition, wouldn’t it be incredible to change the focus from what we have, and instead share something that we admire/love/appreciate/respect about each person at your table?
Better yet, what about sharing this with even just one person this week that won’t be at your table?
In the spirit of Thanksgiving…my mission this week is to find that one person I don’t routinely compliment and take a moment to share something about them that I am thankful for. I’m anticipating it to be a much more meaningful experience for everyone involved.
I hope you try it as well! Happy Thanksgiving!