Friday Devotional – Abundantly More

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

I remember I received something special from my grandpa, if you’ve been in my office you’ve seen them. I have on display of trinkets on my bookshelves. Probably a third of what I actually have ownership of (I displayed the Ranchy looking ones). If you look at them close, they’re all pencil sharpeners. The point is, I display them, I’m proud of them, they’re a cherished gift that I love. They are a part of me.
In the last months, we’ve talked about the many, many special things that we “GET” because of being a Christian. Not later when we get to heaven, we get them now. Things like: Being set apart, being a new creation, adopted, Justified, having no condemnation, set free from sin, made righteous, made alive, blessed, holy, blameless, special, etc…literally just to name a few. Yesterday’s pizzaranchserves post was how nothing separates us from God’s love. These are all happening now
We’re going to be studying the Book of Ephesians which was written to encourage. So, today we want to whet your appetite a little on all the goodness in it.
Ephesians 3:20 says, “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us.”
A few thoughts:
- What we receive is “Immeasurable” – It can’t be measured how much. Another translation says, exceedingly abundantly…even super-abundantly…above the greatest abundance we could even ask or think of. Are we getting the idea?
- “At work within us” – That power is at work and within us right now.
Wow!!! Praise the Lord! I hope we can all be encouraged by that. I hope we can all claim and press into that.
The big question for all of us - Can we and do we display all that we’ve been given in Christ?