Friday Devotional - Answered Prayers

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

We’ve been slowly walking through the Book of Psalms, and this week we’re looking at Psalm 30. Psalms does such a great job of hitting about every topic and every emotion there is. It’s the book in my life that has been the most relatable to me over the years. It’s the reasons some of the people I respect the most in my life spend time in Psalms every day…no matter where their other Bible Reading takes them. In this passage David is pointing out how awesome it is to have prayers answered over the course of time.
David gives us some reasons he praised God…and so can we. The 7 things I’m going to spell out in this chapter briefly are all things I’ve prayed for and have seen God answer this year. How about you?
God is:
- A Deliverer - Vs 1
- A Healer - Vs 2
- A Preserver - Vs 3
- A Comforter - Vs 5
- A Provider - Vs 6
- A Protector - Vs 7
- A Helper - Vs 11
What stood out to me in this chapter was the beginning of verse 5. Read it again. This holy and powerful God that we talked in detail about last time will get angry sometimes, maybe even at me?? But according to scripture, it will be slow to happen, and only for a moment. BUT, His favor is for life.
The list of things we just looked at is what our Father is known for. Answering the prayers of His people. Establishing a Kingdom for all those who believe.
I pray that each of us will recognize and give glory for all the answered prayers in our lives.
Photo by Shane Rounce on Unsplash