Friday Devotional - I Will ...

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

We’ve been walking slowly through the Book of Psalms, this week looking at Psalm 26. In this passage David asks for nine things, he shares 10 things he’s doing, and he gives eight vows moving forward. All of this in 12 verses. See if you can find them all 😊.
The thing that most stood out to me are the 8 vows. When I talk to God I often find myself asking for things, I also talk to God about what I’ve done, but I struggle seeing myself making a vow. That’s a little too uncomfortable for me. I ask myself, can I vow something to God and then be able to follow through with it? It’s a great challenge. Here’s what David vowed in our passage:
- I will not be with hypocrites (pretenders) (Ps 26:4)
- I will not sit (hang out with) with the evildoers (Ps 26:5)
- I will wash my hands in innocence (not spend time in guilt) (Ps 26:6)
- I will go about Your altar (spend time with God…not the altar of idols) (Ps 26:6)
- I will give thanks (praise) with my voice (Ps 26:7)
- I will tell of your wonderous deeds (Ps 26:7)
- I will walk in integrity (blamelessness) (Ps 26:11)
- I will bless (praise) You (give God credit) in the congregations (in front of others) (Ps 26:12)
All of these are great principles to stand on. May we each consider what God may be calling us to stand firm on, to vow, principles for our own good, or for the good of others.
Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash