Friday Devotional - Meaningless, Everything is Meaningless

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

The Pizza Ranch Support Center was blessed with devotions led by Josh, our Purchasing Analyst.
I often think about how I approach my day, what I spend my time doing, and what my perspective is on what I do, and who I do it for.
Many times I find myself working for my own personal gain, being selfish with my time and having to adjust course.
The first few chapter of Ecclesiastes paint a good picture of the earthly things we strive for, especially verse 2:
"Meaningless! Meaningless!"
says the Teacher.
"Utterly meaningless!
Everything is meaningless."
The author of Ecclesiastes, King Solomon, who was known for his immense wealth and incredible wisdom says all the earthly things we strive for are “utterly meaningless”. Solomon had an estimated net worth in today’s dollars of $2.2 Trillion, one of the richest men in all history. He had all the fame & fortune a person could ever want, but he viewed all of this as “utterly meaningless”. If Solomon, one of the most successful men in history viewed our earthly possessions and earthly goals that way, how should we approach our work and daily life?
Solomon goes on to say in Chapter 2:
"A person can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in their own toil. This too, is from the hand of God,"
But how does one find satisfaction in their own toil? I would argue we find true satisfaction by not working for our own personal wealth or fame, but for the Glory of God. That we spend our days toiling for our families, our spouse and our Children. Working for something beyond yourself is where you find true, sustained happiness. It is this belief that helps me align so closely with the Pizza Ranch Vision, “To glorify God by positively impacting the world”. Quite honestly, any other goal in this world is “meaningless, utterly meaningless”.