Friday Devotional – Psalm 45

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Growing up, I had parents that taught me where to find truth in my life. They guided me on what to hold as important and who to listen to. How about you? Who and what has influenced your life the most? And who are our kids and grandkids listening to? What’s influencing their lives?
We’ve been slowly walking through the Book of Psalms, and this week we’re looking at (Psalm 45 ). The Psalms do such a great job of talking about the topics and emotions we most often deal with in life.
There’s so much in this chapter, each verse is full of wisdom we can soak in, use, and grab hold of daily. Today, verse 4 is what stood out to me. It’s a passage that points to the Messiah (Jesus), and gives three things that will be/are important for all believers. Psalm 45:4 says, “And in Thy majesty ride on victoriously, for the cause of truth, humility, and righteousness; Let Thy right hand teach three awesome things.”
3 things for each of us:
- Truth. God’s perspective on everything. The Word of God. The power of God overflows when we know, understand, and apply God’s truth in our lives.
- Humility. Giving our lives to God. Dying to self. Humbling ourselves to His ways and rules. God is looking for humble servants.
- Righteousness. Living out God’s Truth and perspective. God’s truths lived out in our daily life. It’s about what we say, think, and do.
Our challenge as believers is to know, understand, and apply God’s truth in our lives. And to point people to Jesus by our example and then our words. May we each examine our lives and find these 3 important aspects of a Christ-like life. May truth, humility and righteousness abound in each of us.