Monday Mission - Living Water

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

We’re in the middle of summer right now in Iowa and even though we saw some cooler temperatures last week, we know the Midwest well enough to see the hot July heat coming back soon. And even though it can get pretty warm out there, many of us will still spend plenty of time outside – ball games, swimming, fishing, golfing, running and other activities will keep us busy. One of the best ways to combat this heat while outside is to drink lots of water. Did you know that you’re supposed to drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day??
Just as cool water is refreshing to our bodies while we’re enjoying this summer season, Jesus offers the same refreshment to our souls when we invite Him into our lives. Maybe you’re a seasoned Christian and already spend quality refreshing time with Jesus daily. Maybe you have the desire to do this and want Jesus to refresh your soul more often than what you currently give Him time to do. Or maybe you’ve stumbled upon this blog today and are wondering what kind of refreshment Jesus could give to your tired and worn-out soul.
Regardless of where you are, may you take this reminder with you today – as you drink your cool water and it gives your body new life, remember that Jesus is Living Water. He wants to refresh your soul, give you peace and offer grace where you may be tired.
If you are one who doesn’t know Jesus and would like to, I’d encourage you to send us a note in the box below ("Send in a prayer request") and we’d love to pray for you as you journey toward Him. Peace be with you today, my friend.
Photo credit: Manu Schwendener via