Friday Devotional – Riches

Pizza Ranch Serves

Friday Devotional – Riches

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Friday Devotional
Money photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash
Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

We’ve been slowly walking through the Book of Psalms, and this week we’re looking at (Psalm 49). The Psalms do such a great job of talking about the topics and emotions we most often deal with in life.

There’s so much in this chapter, each verse is full of wisdom we can soak in, use, and grab hold of daily. This chapter talks of…some commands to all people, some thoughts of the rich, things riches cannot buy, and reasons not to fear the wicked or the rich. The passage has a lot to do with the vanity of this world and its inefficiency in making us happy. It falls short.

This particular Psalm is written to enable God’s people to rise above the ungodly drive for riches. It establishes what is really of value in this world. In a world of millions of books, billions of opinions, and endless options for information, only the Bible gives us what we need.

  1. Listen. Everyone…anywhere and no matter your social status (Vs 1).
  2. Incline ears to the Truth of the Bible for true wisdom and understanding (Vs 2-3).
  3. Worldly riches are not adequate (Vs 5-12).
  4. The day of one’s death cannot be redeemed with riches (Vs 6-9).
  5. Two very different destinations (Vs 10-15).
  6. The wicked have no hope beyond this world (Vs 14). This answers the age-old question, “Why do the wicked seem to prosper?” They won’t.
  7. The righteous will have eternal life (Vs 15).

May we each recognize and grab hold of the Truth of Scripture. And then honor God with it.
